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Tikal One Day Tour

The Tikal One Day Tour is offered every day

Tour Duration: 1 Day


The Tikal One Day Tour consists of:


4:00 Shuttle picks you up at your hotel to drive you to the airport.

5:00 Check-in for the flight to Flores, you need to pay local airport tax of Q20.00. We recommend traveling light: airline regulation requires a 45-pound limit on luggage weight per person plus your carry on.

6:30 Departure time for the flight from Guatemala to Flores.

7:15 When you arrive to Flores Airport, one of our representatives will be waiting for you with your name on a tagline.

8:00 Land transportation from the airport to the National Park of Tikal.

9:00 Tour starts accompanied with a bilingual local guide.

13:00 Lunch at a restaurant near Tikal Park.

14:00 Land transportation from Tikal to Flores Airport.

15:00 Check in time for your flight to Guatemala City (you need to pay Q20.00 airport tax).

17:00 TAG airline departure towards Guatemala City arriving at 17:45.

19:20 TACA airline departure towards Guatemala City arriving at 20:20.


Shuttle transportation to your hotel.


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